miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Welcome to "My Planet, My Space"

My name is Ivan

I am 14 years old and I live in Soto de la Marina

My number one of everything:

· Colour:Blue
· Possession:Different things
· Time of the day:Sun
· Season of the year:Summer
· Fragance:Don Algodon
· Writer:J.K. Rowling
· Fictional character:Batman
· Music group /artist:El Canto del Loco
· TV show:Fisica o Quimica
· Film /movie:300
· Actor/actress:Will Smith
· Time in history:Century XV
· Place:Forest
· Food:Pasta
· Sports:Football, basketball, tennis, etc

Here's some more information about me:

· I love sports but I hate study
· The person/thing, who/which annoys me most is my uncle
· Sometimes, I'm scare of snakes
· If i were an animal, I'll a monkey
· My best friend would describe me as a funny person
· If i could change my name, it would be Raul
· My idea of misery is:I haven't got idea of misery
· I can resist the people that is very molest
· My favourite words in the world are football and fun
· My aim in life is be architect
· My message to the world is peace in the world